You rolled a 4! It's a party! Fun times, plenty of people you don't recognise... hmm. There's nobody here you recognise.\n\nYou spend the rest of the night in the corner, regretting this outing.\n\n<<Reroll>>
You rolled a 5! The judge turns to you and says "I spy... the new champion." You're a world I Spy master!\n\n<<set $cash += 4>>\s\n<<Reroll>>
You rolled a 2! You reach a creaky ship in a storm! \n\n<<if $cash > 5>>\s\nSome of your cash blows away in the wind.\s\n<<set $cash -= 5>>\s\n<<endif>>\s\n\n<<Reroll>>
You rolled a 3! You're taking out your first home loan!\n\nThe debt will grow and crush you over the coming years, but you don't know that now!\n\n<<set $cash += 15>>\s\n<<Reroll>>
This happens.
You rolled a 1! You end up in a pretty meadow beneath a vacant sky. This vacation cost a decent penny, but it was worth it.\n\n<<set $cash -= 10>>\s\n<<Reroll>>
*Turns left: @@color:dodgerblue;<<$turns>>@@\n*Cash: @@color:sandybrown;<<$cash>>@@
This [[StoryMenu]] will automatically be re-rendered each time you change passages, thus causing the Turns and Cash meters to update to match the current game state.\n\nThe [[Roll]] passage sends the player to one of five randomly picked passages.\n\nThe [[Reroll]] passage send the player back if they have any turns left.
This is the start of the story. Something happens. [[Do something]].
Something else happens.
<<if $turns > 0>>\s\n[[Roll again|Roll]].\n<<else>>\s\nYour time's up! Thank you, and enjoy your\s\n<<if $cash > 2>> winnings!\s\n<<else>>, er, memories!\s\n<<endif>>\s\n<<endif>>
Untitled Story
Here, you have to make a choice. Either <<choice "do this">> or <<choice "do something else">>.
<<set $turns -=1>>\s\n<<display either("Rolled 1","Rolled 2","Rolled 3","Rolled 4","Rolled 5")>>